ATR - Day 14

Yesterday was D - Day, I returned to my Orthopedic surgeon and my cast was removed! The prognosis was very good and she was pleased with my progress. I was surprised that there had been any progress, after just 2 weeks. Luckily, my stitches were under the skin, so no yucky staples to be removed. I took a quick peek when she was cleaning me up and saw a 2 inch scar at the back of my heel. So, I guess I'll have to give up my slingbacks for a while.....

I was given the choice of returning to a plaster cast or trying the CAM boot, which I'd picked up last week. I'd read on the ATR blogs, that moving on to the boot was a definite sign of progress, so I opted for the boot. I was also advised to make an appointment with a Physical Therapist in 2 weeks time. She said that if all went well, I would be walking in shoes in 6 weeks time! Total 56 days - let's start the count down!

I had been forewarned that the boot would be heavier, but it was hard to imagine anything heavier than the cast. However, the difference was immediate and it felt like a lead weight had been added to my foot. As you can see from the photo, the boot is adjusted to an angle of 30 degrees, so my toe is still pointed downwards. I'm still at the "No weight bearing" stage, but am definitely getting better at the crutches, especially getting up and downstairs. One major advantage of having the boot is that it's removable. So, now I can take it off for a shower or when resting on the sofa.

So what, I hear you asking, am I doing to pass the LONG days at home? Well, of course I'm updating my blog and trying to make a few aesthetic changes. I've no clue about html, but I've found some useful instructions on Youtube, maybe this is a good time to learn. I'm still finding new apps for my Itouch and I love that I can tuck it away in my cargo pants and check my e-mail wherever I am. I have downloaded "The year of the Flood" by Margaret Atwood using the Minuteman Library Network, Digital Media Catalog, but I'm finding it hard going.

Don't laugh, but I'm really into Stephanie Meyers! I borrowed the first 2 books, "Twilight" and "New Moon" from Ashley's book shelf and was hooked. Of course, it's light and fantastical (just like the Harry Potter books), but the subject matter is perfect for transporting you to another world. I found "Eclipse" on the MLN and downloaded it onto my Ipod. Unfortunately, I wasn't impressed with this book and was about to give it all up, but was persuaded by Ashley to carry on and finish the series. I am currently reading the last book, "Breaking Dawn"and it's getting to be too silly for words (I won't give anything away, in case your thinking of reading them), however, you have to keep reading because you need to find out how much more ridiculous it can get! I 'll keep you posted....

If anyone happens to come across this blog and have just ruptured their AT or is in the recovery stage , I welcome any feedback, suggestions or questions.
